From Juggling to Balancing Life: Concepts, Strategies, and Coping Skills
I n our l i ves we l earn t o jugg l e the multip l e ident i t i es that make up who we are: daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, partner s , friends. bosses. employees, students, teachers .... Just stop and think for a moment, how ma n y i dentit i es d o you have? T ake m e f or i nstance: I am a daughter, a s i ster, a wife , a fr i end, a therap i s t , a boss, a student , an advocate .. . a woman. Most of our identit i es are i n re l ation to others, and each of them have the i r own set of respons i bilit i es attached. For example, a working wife and mother has three identiti es ri g ht there: wife to her partner , mother to he r chil dren, and employee (not to count daughter, fri end, potent i ally sister/PTA membe r . . ) . The question is . where i s h er re l at i onsh i p to self? ...